Why Go Premium?

Wedding and Formal Dresses
Cocktail Styles
Work / Casual
Every Day

Your dress will appear first

The premium version allows your dresses to be positioned first in the search results of the users, which encourages the number of sales. In the free version, dresses appear in chronological order, most recent dress first.

Upload unlimited number of dresses.

With the premium version you can upload all your dresses to sell or swap. The free version allows you to upload only up to 3 dresses.

Activating the Urgent Swap Button

If you need a dress for this weekend, activating the Urgen Swap button, your dress will appear first to the users closest to your location to speed up the exchange process.

Unlimited amount of swipes

For users who wish to buy dresses with the free version, they can view up to 100 dresses during a 24-hour period. If views peaked at 100, they would have to wait another 24 hours to see the next 100 dresses again. The Premium version allows you to see an unlimited number of dresses available in Dressium.

Buy, Sell or Swap dresses without limitations.

Unlimited amount of likes

No ads